Student Leadership | Students | Learning | Raffles World Academy | Dubai, U.A.E

Student Leadership

Students at RWA have a range of opportunities to play a role in the life of our school and develop their own leadership skills.


Our school has a variety of student-driven councils, from The Student Representative Council to the Interact Club. Each committee offers students the chance to voice their opinions and to create the change they wish to see at RWA. Below is a list of these committees, as well as an explanation of each.

Presidents of the student body (head boy & head girl) of primary & Vice Presidents (deputy head boy &deputy head girl) of primary

The presidents and vice presidents (2 boys and 2 girls) will be selected from Grade 5 by the respective teachers through a rigorous interview process. There will be an election to select the right candidates for these important positions.

Role description of the President and vice president of the primary student body:

The Presidents and Vice Presidents are the role models of our school and lead our rest of the student leaders in their duties. They are responsible for supporting the leadership of the school. We believe that our upper primary children in G4&5 have important roles to play in the daily life of RWA and are expected to take their roles seriously. This is a good opportunity for a child to lead by example and it is a prestigious role in our school. The president and vice presidents will work closely with the head boy and head girl of secondary as well as the school leadership team to support the various initiatives and ideas.

Well-being Committee

Grades 3, 4 and 5 students collectively make up the primary section of the Well-being Committee. Under the guidance of the President and Vice President of Well-being in the secondary school, meetings are held bi-weekly and attended by Primary Students, who then provide feedback on monthly focuses, as well as strategies on how to deal with bullying, to their fellow members. The students provide a safe environment for their peers to share experiences, and also offer advice to them, on the rare occasions that bullying may occur. They address students in assemblies, and also have the full support of the Deputy Head – Pastoral, and the Primary School Counsellors, at their disposal.

The Student Council

The Primary Student Council serves as a governing body for all students. It acts as a voice for the primary school student body in communication with faculty and staff, and is composed of students from Grades 4 and 5.

Through our Student Council we hope to give our pupils a more active role in the organisation of our school and ensure they are listened to, and respected, for their ideas and concerns. Discussions in classes and at Council meetings helps to develop social and learning skills in many areas including speaking and listening, problem solving, brainstorming, and the decision-making process.

Eco Committee

The Eco Committee is a combination of ideas and initiatives from our student body. In the primary school, they are guided with the help of our enthusiastic teachers, committed administration and caring parents. The objective of the eco committee is to help make our school environment as eco-friendly as possible and give our students a platform to see their ideas come to fruition. The eco committee also aims to develop our students’ academic knowledge, problem solving and planning skills.

Learning Council

The RWA Learning Council (LC) is a student driven group where students have the opportunity to feedback to the school and the teacher, about their learning. The aim of the LC is to enhance the teaching and learning at the school so that students are full engaged in their learning and develop a true love for what they are learning. The LC meets regularly discussing a range of topics, as well as going into classrooms, running sessions with teachers, etc.

Primary School Line Prefects:

To further promote independence and responsibility in the students, we have introduced Line Prefects for each class from Grades 1-5 this year. These students will be given the opportunity to show their leadership skills to their peers and will receive recognition by wearing a badge, and signing an agreement, that will further emphasise the importance of the role they will play in the transitions between classes.

Line Prefects will be changed every few weeks, allowing for a number of students to be given the opportunity to experience this role. The signed agreements will be proudly displayed in their respective classrooms.

Sports leaders and House Captains

A boy and girl from grades 3-5 will be selected to represent their grade as ‘sport captains’ and ‘house captains’.  These students will work directly with the Physical Education department, helping with sporting events, inter-house competitions and fixtures.  During assemblies the students will distribute awards and medals and throughout the year they will act as the student’s voice with all matters related to sport.


Anti-Bullying & Wellbeing

The KHDA wellbeing census indicates that bullying at RWA is well below average for schools in Dubai. This committee is aware of the unique and welcoming environment Raffles World Academy has and it aims to develop this environment so that students are happy in school and ready to learn.

On occasions students do not wish to turn to adults with cases of bullying, these students sometimes find it easier to talk to and e-mail the anti-bully & wellness committee with their concerns. We bring all cases of bullying to our teachers who oversee the committee and work with them and the student to help solve the issue.

For more information e-mail: Raffles

Eco Team

The RWA E-Team’s goals are to make the community at Raffles World Academy more eco-friendly and sustainable, which is extremely important for a world with growing pollution and other environmental issues.

This year, we will focus on greenery in school and using more renewable sources of energy to help, in small ways, in the protection of our planet’s future. We have created an Eco garden in the school this year which is a fabulous space for students to come and rest during their breaks. We have also taken part in Dubai schools environment competitions and completed a beach clean-up. Our committee is focused on spreading awareness and taking action.

For more information e-mail: Interact Dubai


Debate committee is a haven for formal debate where we debate upon issues of global importance. At Debate Club, we give our students a chance to learn by exchanging views and arguing for their team’s perspective, irrespective of whether they agree with it or not.

As the students of Raffles World Academy, we believe Debate Club is fundamental as it promotes critical thinking, as well as public speaking skills, which are important life skills.

For more information e-mail: Debate

MUN (Model United Nations)

MUN is a simulation of the actual United Nations. At MUN, we aim to develop our communication, self-management and thinking skills and simulate scenarios as delegates who represent countries and come up with meaningful solutions to the world’s problems.

MUN fosters global citizenship, promotes critical thinking and develops public speaking and research skills - which are essential to any IB student. In an era of conflict, MUN is a shining beacon of diplomacy leading our students to not only become better people, but also better leaders within society.

For more information e-mail: RWA MUN


Interact committee is originally founded by Rotary International. We aim to help the people in our community to move towards human development and growth. Our motto is “Service above Self” and we believe in giving back to the society through Interact! The RWA Interact Club has organised and has been responsible for holding many events such as bake sales and orphanage visits. We also worked with “A Beach Clean Up Dubai” committee to clean the beaches to protect the environment for a sustainable future. We also organised a food drive for our helpers and cleaners around the school in a way to thank them for their hard work and dedication!  

Some of our most recent projects we have been working towards is the Interact Week and the Interact Conference. The purpose of this conference is to invite NGOs and various school students, and have the NGOs present their cause to inspire the students to volunteer and help the community strive towards a better tomorrow!

For more information e-mail: Interact Dubai


The inclusion committee is a committee that aims to support all students at Raffles World Academy including talented students, EAL students, students that have difficulty in learning and students of determination. We volunteer to help these students in our free time. We have meetings every Tuesday and we discuss how we can support our fellow students. This is then action planned and overseen by our Head of Inclusion at Raffles World Academy.

For more information e-mail: RWA Inclusion

Events Committee

The events committee is responsible for promoting and documenting any type of event that occurs within RWA. The committee is essential to improving communication within the school and increasing the popularity of events. We use our communication and marketing skills to try and promote and sell events to the school body.

For more information e-mail:RWA Events Commitee

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